Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 23 July 2024

DigiPin : an Indian Version of What3Words ?



Context :

Department of Posts releases beta version of DIGIPIN for public comments, expert opinion   .. ET .. 23 July 24

Extract :

The Department of Posts is advancing an initiative to establish a standardized, geo-coded addressing system in India, for ensuring simplified addressing solutions for citizen-centric delivery of public and private services.

In this regard, the department had collaborated with IIT Hyderabad for developing a National Addressing Grid, named as Digital Postal Index Number (DIGIPIN).

This system will act as a strong and robust pillar of Geospatial Governance, leading to enhancements in public service delivery, faster emergency response and a significant boost to logistics efficiency, the Ministry of Communications said in a press release on Monday.

The DIGIPIN is proposed to be fully available in the public domain and can be easily accessed by everyone.

The DIGIPIN Grid system being an addressing referencing system, can be used as the base layer for other ecosystems, including various service providers and utilities, where addressing is one of the processes in the workflow.

The advent of DIGIPIN will mark a revolutionary step in India’s journey towards digital transformation by bridging the crucial gap between physical locations and their digital representation.

The department has released a beta version of National Addressing Grid ‘DIGIPIN’ on 19.07.2024 for public feedback, the details of which may be accessed through the India Post website.

The department encourages everyone to explore the beta platform and provide constructive feedback, which will help in fine tuning the specifications of the DIGIPIN.

The comments and suggestions in this regard may please be sent by email to : digipin@indiapost.gov  in by 22.09.2024.




Extract :

o    A technical document detailing the code and architecture of DIGIPIN grid

     may be downloaded here: Technical Document PDF Icon [2122 KB]

o    Beta version of the web application to capture the DIGIPIN value of your

     location is available at: digipin.cept.gov.in  


o    The programming code of the DIGIPIN grid logic may be downloaded

      here:Click here to download  [3 KB]


o    The comments and suggestions in this regard may be submitted by

      email to:    digipin@indiapost.gov.in    by 22.09.2024.


Now, value of my Residential Location , as given by Digipin is :

8JK-XP9-K2W9   >   Status:Horizontal accuracy is 15m    >    DIGIPIN National Addressing Grid


Compare this with the DIGITAL ADDRESS of my residence as given by >


Shifts.track.backdrop   >  Horizontal accuracy is 1 meter



In the past ,  through my following e-mails, I have been advocating that we, in

India, adopt a similar ( but much more accurate ) digital address system

developed by www.What3Words.com :

Ø  Second Step to Integrated Transport ?  …………… 15  Jan 2024

Ø  Thank You , Chris Sheldrick  …………………………….. 31 Oct 2022


Extract :

When did you suggest ?

Here is my email :

Sun  19-11-2017  10:37

It is time you come up with HINDI language version for India’s 1.3 Billion people , where millions live / sleep on footpaths ( sidewalks )


Did what3words reply ?

Yes. Here is their prompt e-mail reply :

Chloe Day (what3words Support)

Nov 20,   09:45 GMT

Hi Hemen,

Thank you for your email. 
We are working on Hindi as we speak and it will be released early next year. Keep an eye on our website and newsletter for the latest updates.

All best wishes,


Chloe Day (what3words Support)

Feb 19,  13:40 GMT

Dear Hemen,

Thank you for your email. 
We are still finalising our Hindi map, and it should be released quite soon. 

Thanks again for getting in touch!

All best wishes,

what3words support

Tue  20-02-2018  11:36

To : support@what3words.com


 An IP Address for Homes ? ………………………………….[ 17 Nov 2017 ]

A Home without an Address ? ……………………………..[ 28 Sept 2018 ]

Thank You, What3Words…………………………………….. [ 11 Feb  2022 ]


Dear India Post Officer (digipin@indiapost.gov.in ) :

 As far as my feedback is concerned, please consider the following tabulation prepared by ChatGPT :





Department of Posts, India, in collaboration with IIT Hyderabad

What3Words Ltd., UK


Standardized geo-coded addressing system for India

Simplified addressing system worldwide

Address Format

Alpha-numeric code (e.g., 8JK-XP9-K2W9)

Three random words (e.g., shifts.track.backdrop)


15 meters (horizontal accuracy)

1 meter (horizontal accuracy)

Ease of Remembering

Moderate (alpha-numeric codes can be challenging to remember)

High (three-word combinations are easier to remember)

Ease of Specifying

Moderate (alpha-numeric codes)

High (simple, unique word combinations)

Implementation in India

Being developed and beta-tested

Already in use globally

Integration with Digital Documents

Can be integrated with various IDs like Aadhaar, PAN, etc.

Can be integrated but requires adoption by relevant authorities

Geospatial Governance

Enhances public service delivery, emergency response, logistics efficiency

Simplifies navigation and addressing, but integration into governance systems varies by country

Public Accessibility

Free and available in the public domain

Freemium model (basic service free, advanced features paid)

Integration with Existing Systems

Designed to integrate with Indian postal and governmental systems

Requires adoption and integration efforts by local systems

Language and Localization

Tailored for Indian geographic and postal needs

Available in multiple languages, but not specifically tailored to India

Support and Feedback

Public feedback encouraged during beta testing phase

User feedback through app and website

Technical Documentation

Available for download (technical document, code)

Detailed API documentation available online

Ease of Use in Rural Areas

Aimed to be accessible, though awareness and adoption might take time

Easy to use, but requires mobile/internet access

Examples of Usage



Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Strengths:
    • Tailored specifically for India.
    • Can be easily integrated with Indian government documents and services.
    • Supports geospatial governance and public service delivery.

  • Weaknesses:
    • 15-meter accuracy is less precise compared to What3Words.
    • Alpha-numeric codes may be harder to remember and specify.
    • Implementation and adoption might take time across a vast country like India.


  • Strengths:
    • High precision with 1-meter accuracy.
    • Easy to remember and specify.
    • Globally recognized and already in use.

  • Weaknesses:
    • Requires integration with local systems and documents.
    • Freemium model might limit access to advanced features.
    • Not specifically tailored for Indian administrative and postal needs.

Implementation Challenges in India


Ensuring widespread awareness, adoption, and integration with various services and documents across urban and rural areas.

  • What3Words:

Gaining acceptance and integration into local systems and governmental frameworks.

Integration with Digital Documents


Easier to integrate with Indian documents like Aadhaar, PAN, etc., due to government backing.

  • What3Words:

Requires efforts from local authorities to integrate, which might be slower.


With Regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  24 July 2024




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