Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Thank You , Shri Siddaramaiahji



What for ?

For reading my email of yesterday MORNING

What email ?

Law of Unintended Consequences


What was it about ?

In that email, I pointed out that , instead of providing jobs to local citizen, his proposed law will replace / displace them with ROBOTS on the factory floors, all over Karnataka


What makes you think he read your email ?

Yesterday evening , TV channels announced that Shri Siddaramaiahji has ordered a STAY of the Act

[ see > Amid Huge Row, Karnataka Pauses Bill For Reservation In Private Sector Firms ]


What made you think that if the law was enforced, then factory floor Kannadigas will get replaced by Korean Robots ?

Simple. A Robot costs anywhere between Rs 30 lakhs to Rs 40 lakhs

But it replaces 5 workers . And it works 3 shifts of 8 hours each – replacing 15 workers

Now each semi-skilled worker costs Rs 3 lakh per year ( wages + benefits ) . So 15 workers cost Rs 45 lakhs / year

This means , an industrialist can recover the cost of a robot within ONE YEAR

Imagine a PAY-BACK  PERIOD of just one year !  - sure way to INCENTIVIZE the industrialists !


Do you see any other “ Consequences “ ( Un-intended  ? ) if this draconian law was implemented ?

Yes .

Ø  To become popular,  this might “ force “ governments of other Indian States to enact similar laws

Ø  Every State introducing “ WORK PERMITS “ ( equivalent to US H1-B Visas ) for citizen of other States

Ø  Every time I visit Bengaluru , I will need to go through IMMIGRATION , and get my passport endorsed with a TOURIST VISA ( valid for 7 days and available on arrival ). Mercifully , for this, I do not need to prove that I am fluent in Kannada language !


OK .  Agree that all of this sounds scary – nightmarish. But what is your suggestion to create a decent / honest “ Source of Living “ for 12 million youth joining our work force EACH YEAR ( year after year ) ?

First :

An honest admission by all the  governments that it is just NOT possible to create these many “ Paid Salaried Jobs “ every year. Every time, any govt. advertises  ANY jobs, at least 100 candidates apply against ONE vacancy !

Second :

Central Government ( Madam Sitharamanji , please remember to announce this in your Budget Speech on 23rd ), to enact :

Ø  A NEW ECONOMIC ORDER ? aka " Start Up Act – 2015 ………………. 12 Sept 2015


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  18 July 2024


Related Readings :

Ø  Ten years of Tinkering – What Next ?  …………………….. 03 July 2024

Ø  125 days Roadmap – Part G  ……………………………………. 11 June 2024

Ø  Teach a man to fish / a woman to earn .. ………………….28 May 2024

Ø  A Mirage called “ Salaried Jobs  ………………………………  05 Mar 2024

Ø  National Jobs Policy : Treasure Hunt .. …………………………..15 Dec 2017

Ø  Gig Economy : A New Name for Self-Employment / Entrepreneurship ? .. 09 Mar 2021

Ø  Employment Policy ? Committed to a Committee ? …………. 31 Oct 2021

Ø  New Definition for Startups ?  ……………………………………………. 19 Jan 2022




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