Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Break Down Data Silos



Context :

Strategy Switch : Agencies now must share info on narco  ..   TOI …  19 July 2024

Extract :

As part of its crackdown on narco-smuggling, govt on Thursday announced a switch to a "duty-to-share" protocol to make agencies exchange crucial information on drug trafficking.
Union home minister Amit Shah emphasised that profits generated from narco-smuggling mark the "most serious security threat" as he called for a rigorous review of financial investigations into drug cartels at the state level and advocated establishment of joint coordination committees in states to ensure the involvement of central agencies and finance ministry.


The agencies involved in the anti-drug trafficking effort have so far worked on "need-to-know" principle: a scheme where one agency could use its discrimination to determine what and how much to share with others and which carried the risk of important information remaining siloed, allowing the nimble footed and shrewd traffickers room to peddle the contraband.

Addressing the meeting of Narco-Coordination Centre (NCORD) in Delhi, Shah said,

"Our agencies have traditionally adhered to a need-to-know policy. However, it is imperative that we now transition to a duty-to-share approach.

We must ensure that anti-drug initiatives permeate every unit at the state and district levels, thereby accelerating their implementation."

He called upon central agencies to initiate suo moto cases to dismantle international narco-cartels. "We must also ensure that not a single gram of drugs enters Bharat or is transported to other countries via Bharat," he asserted, emphasising that profits from trafficking are used to fund terrorism against the country.


Dear Amitbhai ,


Better late than never . Not a day too soon – although it took 10 years !


Whether it is a case of dacoity – looting – murder – riot – rape – assault – fraud – scam – cheating – bribing – conspiracy – threat – deceit – cyber crime – dowry – jihaad – you name it


One of the main reason, the culprits get away – or manage to delay the process of law enforcing agencies for decades, is :


There is absolutely no sharing of data ( about an incidence or about a suspect ) among the different Agencies


Even when directed, Agencies are simply dragging their feet when it comes to data sharing


You’re your current “ Duty to Share “ dictate is going to meet the same fate !


There is only one thing that will break down these “ Data Silos “ , suggested in my following 10 YEAR old email

to the Cabinet Ministers :

 E - Governance ?  ...................................... 03 April 2014


Exhortation is just so much waste of time


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  01 Aug 2024


Related Readings ( 18 E Mails ) :


 2014 ( 1 ) :

 Ø  E - Governance ?   ……………………………  03  April  2014

 2016 ( 4 ) :

 Ø  A Half-hearted Measure ?  ………………….. 07  Mar  2016

 Ø  Still a long way to go !  ……………………….. 25  Aug  2016

 Ø  United we Succeed : Divided we Fail  ….  29  Sept  2016

 Ø  Keep Trying   ………………………………………….. 24  Dec  2016


 2017 ( 3 ) :

Break-down the Silos !  ………………………….  16 Sept 2017

      Blockchain  for  E Governance  ?.. ……………04  Dec  2017

     Crime and Punishment …………………………….. 23 Dec 2017


2018 ( 2 ) :

Ø  CyberCrimes / DigitalIndia / e-Governance  … 09  Jan 2018

Ø  Blame Game Continues……………………………..09 Apr 2018


2022 ( 5 )

Ø  An Umbrella Body ? A Distant Echo ?  … ………..01 Apr  2022

     Ø  Thank You, Shri Karnal Singhji,……………………… 12  Apr 2022

Ø  DATA is better than Third Degree  ………………… 25  Apr  2022

Ø  Welcome NATGRID : Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah .. 04 May 2022

Ø  ED says : No ED ( Escape of Data ) ………………. 28 Nov 2022


 2023 ( 3 ) :

Ø     One Stop Shop for White Collar Criminals  …… 11  Apr  2023

Ø     NEOR : as envisaged………………………… ……………..15 May 2023


Ø  White Collar Criminals – United we Stand .. ……..29 July 2023


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