Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 14 July 2024

Ease of Living : Agenda for Third Term



Context :

Ease of living issues high on agenda at PM-chaired NITI Aayog meeting  ….  Busi Line …….. 14 July 2024

Extract :

Modi wants, businessline has learnt, to finally give comprehensive shape in his third regime to ease of living issues for the benefit of common man, he has been talking about in the last one decade at power.

That essentially would mean easy access to welfare schemes and quality in service delivery, said government sources.

It is learnt that the participants including Chief Ministers of States and Lt Governors have been apprised beforehand that the theme of ease of living will figure prominently in the NITI Aayog’s Governing Council meeting.

But, government sources stated that a detailed agenda was being worked out and would be shortly shared with the participants ahead of the meeting in Delhi.

The letter to CMs and LGs also stated that the theme ease of living was deliberated extensively at the 3rd National Conference of Chief Secretaries held late last December.

Removing bureucratisation

The Chief Secretaries had converged on five sub-themes that they thought were necessary to weed out bureaucratisation of governance and delivery mechanism. They are land and property; electricity; drinking water; health; and schooling.

The public’s maximum exposure with the government happens in these domains, and, if things get simplified, it would bring much relief from routine hassles in their lives, believe sources.

About 21 States and UTs have enacted acts to give right to public services, which binds the administrations for timely delivery of services such as issuing certificates for caste, birth, marriage and domicile, besides land record copies, ration cards, voters’ cards, and electric connections. Still, the struggle for people is far from over due harassment by government officials

Apart from that, the NITI Aayog Governing Council will also take a stock of the vikasit bharat@2047 matter,  which is a road-map and outcome-oriented action plan to make India a developed nation when India turns 100.


Dear Narendrabhai ,


There are over 2,370 government  WELFARE  SCHEMES

Central Government Schemes >      510 +

State Government Schemes    >   1,850 +

These are listed / detailed on : myScheme.gov.in 

Questions :

Ø  How many of our 140 crore citizen, even know about this online source for finding

    suitable schemes ?

[  How many of those Chief Ministers attending the NITI  meeting on 27th July,

   know about this portal ? ]

Ø  Has any Government Officer ever tried to search on this portal, schemes  for which she

 is eligible ?

If she did then she will tell you that :

#   It is a very laborious and complicated process to search/find,  schemes for

      which a visitor is eligible

#   At the end of search-process, the schemes SUGGESTED by portal , are just

      not meant for her  !


Dear Prime Minister :

If Mohamed cannot go to Mountain, then let the Mountain go to Mohamed

If potential beneficiaries cannot find the schemes for which they are eligible , can we

make those SCHEMES go out and find those who are ELIGIBLE ?

Not only is my suggestion eminently possible , it is the only SURE WAY to enroll those

eligible for each scheme

For my detailed suggestion , please refer to my following earlier e-mail :

Ø  Thank You, Sumita Dawra  … ………………….09 April 2024


Hardly a day goes by without you exhorting Government Officers, to use Artificial

Intelligence ( AI ), for solving  “ Ease of Living “ issues

My suggestion requires use of AI Technology

For an “ Expert Opinion “ about feasibility of my suggestion, you may ask  

Shri Ashwini  Vaishnawji


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  15 July 2024




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