Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Resumes Exchange : A Job Portal Earthquake ?

In April 2016 , I read a book :

WHAT’s MINE  is  YOURS  ( Authors : Rachel Botsman / Roo Rogers )

As I continued reading , I could not help making notes in margins ( see below )
-      notes re my own concept of “ Sharingof Resumes among Employers / Recruiters , as briefly outlined in :

I have no doubt that it is a matter of a few months before some Start Up translates this concept into reality . I would be happy to help

With regards

Hemen  Parekh

30  June  2017

Page   XV ( Introduction Chapter )
·         Without an offline “ Search Engine “ , ownership of “ text “ resumes on hard disk, has no value . Hence , mere sharing / swapping of TEXT resumes cannot interest anyone !

Page   XIX
·         Employer ( and Recruitment Agencies as well ), have no “ NECESSITY “ to exchange text resumes lying “ unused “ , on their hard disks . And no one will “ pay “ for “ buying “ old text resumes lying on someone’s hard disk !

·         The only reason, they would want to be a MEMBER of “ ResumesExchange “ , would be the GuruSearch ( Resume Search Engine , developed by us ) , that would be to turn unsearchable TEXT resumes into a “ SEARCHABLE DATABASE

·          That would be the only motivation

Page   XX
·         ResumesExchange , if quickly developed and implemented in India , could get replicated elsewhere

·         I have started giving away the Source Codes of my old job portals ( so far 3 takers )

Page   XXI
·         Diagram showing > Jobseekers depositing resumes on several job portals > All employers sourcing resumes from job portals, but NOT sharing among one another .  ResumesExchange will enable them to exchange resumes

·         Should we rename , “ Resume Exchange “  to  “ Resume Synchronize “ ?  Since , we wish to convey that you are not giving up your text resumes – only synchronizing your “ resume database “ with ALL registered users’ databases ! Sounds much more appealing !

Page   8
·         I have repeatedly said that SAME ( or same type ) text resumes get downloaded from job portals , again & again – even when an Employer’s hard disk is full of similar resumes – only because these are NOT SEARCHABLE !

·         By not allowing Employers to download its ONLINE SEARCH ENGINE , job portals ensure that Employers keep coming back , again & again !

Page   44
·         In Jainism , there is a VOW / PRACTICE of “ ASTEYA “, which requires a person to use / consume , just MINIMUM of EVERYTHING required to survive !

Page   53
·         If ResumesExchange ( or ResumeSynchronize.com ) gets launched , can we expect the Employers to rally around it , in order to get out of the clutches of Naukri / MonsterIndia / Timesjobs  ?

·         What could it mean to Employment Scenario ( especially to millions of jobless ) , if 50 MILLION resumes are on hard disks of 10 MILLION , medium / large Employers ?

Page   55
·         For my vision of W3F ( World Wide Work Federation ), I have yet to find a “ Platform “ and create a “ Network “ of Indian Start Ups

·         I am hoping that, one of these Start Ups , will succeed in launching “ ResumesExchange.com “ and that becomes a platform

·         It is just 5 / 6 weeks since I started my campaign ( ALLOW  ME  TO  SHARE ), and got 2 / 3 persons excited

Page   56
·         Naukri / MonsterIndia / Timesjobs etc are “ Elitists “ , charging HUGE annual Subscription ( Rs 3 / 4 lakhs ) to Employers for posting jobs and searching / downloading resumes

·         By not allowing Employers to download their “ RESUME  SEARCH  ENGINE  “, they ensure that Employers continue as Subscribers , year after year


·         When Employers can exchange resumes , they don’t need Naukri , making ResumesExchange such a weapon

·         I suppose ( at least ) medium size Employers , who need to hire 2 / 5 persons each year , would have “ Common Interest “ of saving those fancy Subscription Fees

Page   57
·         Full / functional revival of RecruitGuru.com, is stuck due to few remaining “ errors “ , despite Kartavya’s efforts

·         I am trying to motivate Dinesh / Srinivasan etc to “ Collaborate “ and remove these errors

·         Without full revival of this “ Parsing Software “ , it is not possible to develop ResumesExchange

·         May be in my promo email ( ALLOW  ME  TO  SHARE  ) , I should pose this challenge to s/w geeks of India , with a request to share their findings with ALL . I should consult Mr Nagle for help

Page   59
·         We need to create such an “ Open Infrastructure “ for W3F ( World Wide Work Federation ) to succeed

Page   72
·         ResumesExchange would fall under this category

·         [ Author : Redistribution Markets > Social networks enable USED or PRE-OWNED goods to be redistributed from where they are not needed to somewhere or someone where they are , fueling the second type of collaboration consumption , redistribution markets….

Often exchanges are conducted between ANONYMOUS STRANGERS, but sometimes the market-places connect people who know each other…………….

Regardless of the specifics of the exchange, a redistribution market encourages RE-USING and RE-SELLING old items rather than throwing them out, and also significantly reduces waste ]

Page   73
·         Once ResumesExchange catches on , no Employer / Recruiter, will need to go back to Naukri / MonsterIndia / Timesjobs etc, again & again , in order to download “ more “ resumes , thereby “ saving “ Subscription Fees

Page   74
·         Saving “ of Subscription fees , will be “ Intended “ consequence for employers joining ResumesExchange, but “ Jobs for All “ could well turn out to be an “ Unintended Consequence “ , if Resume Databases on  MILLIONS of hard disks get “ Synchronized “ , each carrying millions of SEARCHABLE RESUMES

·         A participating Employer of ResumesExchange , may , in one year , donate ( say ) 1,000 resumes lying UNUSED on his hard disk, but , he may receive ONE MILLION or even TEN MILLION , in return ! Hence , it is in his self-interest to join

Page   75
·         We must recognize / anticipate that large companies are unlikely to join ResumesExchange, in the beginning .

·         Our focus should be to rope-in MSME ( some 20 Million ) who need to hire , just 2 / 4 employees , each year – and therefore , cannot “ afford “ high Subscription fees of Naukri

·         As far as ResumesExchange goes, it is NOT an exchange of resumes between TWO strange ( employers ) directly.

·         As far as creation of “ TRUST “ is concerned , we will upload a “ Starting Database “ of a few lakh resumes , which a “ Joinee “ gets on very first day of joining !

Page   76
·         For Employers / Recruiters , Resume Search on Naukri, is the “ Conventional Shopping “ – where ( I believe ) , they can “ choose “ , but download at a time, no more than 5 resumes .

·         As against this , on ResumesExchange, there is NO CHOICE , but they can download LAKHS of resumes , DAILY ! We would have the critical mass

·         A “ SYNCHRONIZATION STATUS “ panel will tell him,
#    how many he uploaded
#    how many he downloaded

·         Since , we propose to build into the OFFLINE TOOL , a RESUME SEARCH ENGINE, users will be able to “ search “ , several thousand resumes on VERY FIRST DAY , and get satisfied with quality

Page   77
·         I too , am inclined for “ ResumeSynchronize.com “ , instead of ResumeExchange.com .  Indeed , “ Synchronization of Resume Databases “ , is what will happen

·         Only , in our case , we have no means to check the “ Quality “ of resumes being uploaded

Page   80
·         There is nothing “ local “ about ResumeSync.com

Page   81
·         For ResumeSync.com , very likely this core group could be hundreds of medium size RECRUITMENT AGENCIES , who today, depend upon Naukri for their supply of resumes. They would be delighted if they can find all the “ suitable “ resumes on their OWN hard disks – and , thereby , avoid paying subscription to Naukri

Page  82
·         Dynamically increasing “ List of Subscribers “ ( counter ) is a must

·         How many joinees ? ( subscriber list )

·         How many resumes did each donate yesterday ?
·         Total cumulative donations

Page  83
·         This is precisely the logic behind ResumeSync

·         There are , may be , 100 MILLION resumes lying UNUSED ( because Un-Searchable )  on a million hard disks

Page  84
·         ResumeSync is not merely meant to be a BLACK HOLE that sucks up all resumes , from every hard disk , like a Vacuum Cleaner , but it adds VALUE to those “ TEXT RESUMES “ , by parsing and converting those into a STRUCTURED and SEARCHABLE database ,


Then “ Re-distributes “ those to the participants
This “ Parsing “ is the KEY to converting what is essentially TRASH into useful stuff

Page   86
·         My BIG DATA analytic project for 4 million job advts , downloaded over past 8 years , is to be able to PREDICT :

WHO ( which Company ) , will advertise

WHAT job ( Vacancy ) , and

WHEN  ( date / month  )

·         On Uber ( share – a – taxi ) app, you can see cars available for hiring , in your locality – and , even their movements in real time !

Page   88
·          Can we build-in a software constraint , so that the minimum number of resumes that can be uploaded ( ie; synced ) at any given time, is 100 ? -  to ensure , minimum of “ Reciprocity “ ?

Page  89
·         It will be a fact in ResumeSync , some small employers may “ contribute “ no more than 5 / 10 resumes in a month , but continue to download ( through SYNC button ) , millions ! So , an employer who is capable of donating ( say ) 1,000 resumes per day , may wonder :

“ Why should I be a member of ResumeSync ? “

Ans :

“ Those 1,000 per day and may be 50,000 already lying earlier on your hard disk , are of NO USE to you , since these are NOT SEARCHABLE .

Only our TOOL can parse these and make these searchable, provided you join ResumeSync 

Page  91
·         Does this mean , on ResumeSync , we publish :

WHO has donated HOW MANY resumes , so far ? ( in descending order ? )

Such transparency is desirable

Page   92
·         Job Portals ( like Naukri ) are such a middleman – but , between jobseekers and employers

Page   97
·         One may say :

Why should any employer want to have millions of resumes on his hard disk ( ie; OWN ), if he can ACCESS the same, at any time on Naukri ?

That would be true , if there was no subscription fee !

Like when I am listening to music ( Youtube ) on iPad , I am not paying anything !  So , why keep ( OWN ) cassettes / CDs ?

Sure , if Naukri were to become a FREE service, ( for Employers ) , no employer would feel interested in joining ResumeSync !

Turning this around , if ResumeSync were to make it possible to find all the resumes that you ever need on your hard disk , then why would you want Naukri ?

Page  98
·         Employment for greater number of people “ > Could that become an “ Unintended Consequence “ of ResumeSync ?

·         If it becomes VERY EASY to “ find and hire “ , a person you want, from among those millions of resumes , would you be more tempted to go ahead and appoint him ?

·         I suspect many MSME put off their hiring decisions , only because it is too much of a hassle

Page   100
·         This is where ResumeSync differs

Page   104
·         Since “ RESUME   RATER  “ will be an integral part of SYNC, each resume will have a SCORE and resumes ( in each FUNCTION category ) , will get arranged in descending order of this SCORE .

·         Beyond that , we could incorporate a feature whereby , every time an Employer “ Shortlists “ any resume ( after searching his hard disk ) , the “ Number of Times shortlisted “ appears next to each resume . That number would indicate its popularity


·         See writing on our page “ Job Suggest “ on

Page   105
·         One day soon, will these toy-rental services become obsolete with arrival of Virtual Reality and Holograms and Hepatic devices , through which you can feel , manipulate toys , thousands of miles away ?

Page   106
·         Read my today’s [ 25 April 2016 ]  blog : No UseFighting

·         It is all about turning 500,000 sq km of floating plastic called “ Great Pacific Garbage Patch “ , into a LAND MASS ( floating ) , to house 126 million migrants, through technological innovations ( 2 times the area of UK , which has a population of 63.6 million )

Page   108
·         How do we decide,who can become a MEMBER of ResumeSync, and who cannot ?

·         To keep things simple , we can insist that the company ( not individual ) registering, must have been a Registered Corporate Subscriber of Naukri / MonsterIndia / TimesJobs etc., so that we know , he must have downloaded a number of resumes from these sites in the past.

·         That number could be around 50,000 large / medium companies . These are also the parties who will be most interested to join , in order to save subscription fees

Page   109
·         Can  www.GlobalRecruiter.net , ( properly revived by one of the Start Ups and vigorously promoted ) , spawn around itself, hundreds of “ Partner Web sites “ ?

·         Could this , eventually rope in other types of members ( Government / ISP / TV Channels / MSP etc ) , to become W3F ? Jobs for All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Page   110
·         This is same as some large subscribers of Naukri, having a million resumes on his hard disk , but thoroughly UNSEARCHABLE , since these are plain TEXT !

·         It is high subscription fees of Naukri ( Rs 4 lakh / year ) which deters 20 million MSME to use it

Page   111
·         Will USP of ResumeSync spread among Recruitment Agencies / Employers , by such word of mouth ?

·         I have heard a lot of people talking about the great utility of UBER & OLA

·         A member of ResumeSync, actually becomes “ Owner “ of millions of Resumes , without having to “ pay “ for them , by way of job portal subscription

Page   112

·         If , in the beginning , we focus on membership of Employers ( some 50,000 +) who are already “ Subscribers “ of some or other job portals ; and therefore – have, on their hard disks, few hundred to few thousand TEXT resumes , then they will not feel like “ FREE RIDERS “ and feel GUILTY , because they know that , they too are donating some resumes. They are also “ giving and sharing “

·         All the resumes ( whether own or downloaded ) in ResumeSync, are always immediately “ accessible “

Page   114
·         Punch line >  ResumeSYNC : All the resumes that you will ever need  !

Page   115
·         Most certainly , ResumeSYNC , has the potential to disrupt traditional job portals , by making them , irrelevant ! – but partially only , since Employers will still need to post their JOB ADVERTISEMENTS and jobseekers will still need to go / search those jobs and “ Apply Online “

·         But then it is also likely that jobseekers may get many interview calls directly – without applying – from members of ResumeSYNC  !! . They will email their latest / revised resumes DIRECTLY


Very Senior Executives ( VP / GM level ) , generally do NOT submit their resumes on job portals but send as emails to Headhunters .

So , if a headhunter becomes a member of ResumeSYNC, even resumes of such VERY SENIOR executives will find their way onto the hard disks of thousands of members ! We need to address this problem

Page  116
·         Another punch line >  Hire all you want : Without subscribing to Jon Portals !

·         Recently , Anand Mahindra said the same thing !

Page   118
·         Of course , for altogether different reasons, in 1966 , IBM ( India ) would not “ SELL “ its model 1401 computers in India . At L&T , we had to “ lease “ it from IBM ( - and those were reconditioned / imported machines – not manufactured in India )

·         Recruitment Process Outsourcing ( RPO ) , owes its existence to Employers not having HR RESOURCES of their own

Page  119
·         If ResumeSYNC , not only parses resumes to create a STRUCTURED / SEARCHABLE database , but also generates PROFILE GRAPHS for each resume , then it will provide a different kind of EXPERIENCE to recruiters

·         SaaS instead of enterprise-based software & of course CLOUD services , instead of owning your own servers

Page   124
·         Same as saying : For every job , somewhere out there , is an IDEAL candidate and for every jobseeker , somewhere there, is a PERFECT job . Problem lies in each finding the other !

·         All other things being equal, employers prefer LOCAL candidates, and vice versa . In crowded cities , jobseekers would be willing to sacrifice / compromise ( salary / title etc ) , for a nearby job

Page   126


Page   127
·         An employer posts a job advt on a job portal and in next 3 days , receives 300 resumes .

·         After screening / interviewing process of 4 weeks , ONE person gets appointed . Thereafter , rest 299 resumes are not “ needed “ or seldom “ re-looked “

Page   128
·         Over a period of few years , ResumeSYNC may have resumes of MOST of the jobseekers ( - and those who are not actively seeking a job ) .

·         Every resume gets “ obsolete “ within a year . Can we think of some method , whereby any person can directly “ DEPOSIT “ his latest resume on ResumeSYNC , when it overwrites the old one ?

Page   129
·         After a few months , a member employer of ResumeSYNC , may not need to go to a job portal to download fresh resumes

·         Another punch line > ResumeSYNC : the instantaneous mass synchronizer of resumes

Page   130
·         We must find a method to record / log, each & every resume-search that a member ( of ResumeSYNC ) conducts on his hard disk, using “ Guru Search “ search engine . That massive data can be analysed ( using BIG DATA software ) .

·          That will tell us – and the World – “ a database of employers’ intentions “ , ie; what kind of candidates are employers searching for ? A Job Market Analysis , up to date !

Page   132
·         I have started this ( giving back ) early – at age 82 !

·         I started to experience this !

Page   134
·         Concept of “ Partner Web site “ of  www.GlobalRecruiter.net , is very similar

Page   135
·         In ResumeSYNC too, all that a member has to do , is to click on “ SEND / RECEIVE “ button ( like in Outlook ) and watch “ Synchronization Status “ panel . We are not in the picture !

Page   137
·         At the gate of Sikorsky Helicopter factory in USA , a plaque on gate reads :

“ By all known laws of aerodynamics , the ratio of weight to wing area of a Humming Bird is such that it cannot fly . But the Humming Bird is ignorant of this law , so it goes ahead and flies anyway ! “

Page   139
·         We launched  www.3pJobs.com  on 14 Nov 1997

Page   142
·         In ResumeSYNC, there is no question of any trust ( or trust gap ) between any two members , since there is no direct BI-LATERAL exchange of resumes between the two . It is an exchange between a member and the CENTRAL SERVER . No member knows which resume got donated by whom .

 Questions of Quality , Style and Speed , do not arise

Page   176
·         Value for W3F , will be :  Jobs for All = Peace on Earth

·         I hope to create such an Online Platform for W3F , where software developers will keep writing new software code or improving existing codes of  www.GlobalRecruiter.net  /  www.IndiaRecruiter.net  /  www.RecruitGuru.com  /  RESUME  RATER etc ( an OPEN SOURCE platform )

Page   177
·         Someday , can www.GlobalRecruiter.net , succeed in getting thousands of job portals in 100 countries , to become “ Partner web sites “ – and enable jobseekers ( in those 100 countries ) get “ Job Alert Broadcast “ of “ Matching Jobs “ getting posted on ANY of those PARTNER WEB SITES ?

Page   188
·         Design of W3F must “ facilitate “ several persons to participate in developing a network of :

#  Job Portals / ISPs / MSPs

#  Employment Exchanges /  Media Companies
#  Colleges  /  Associations  /  Advt Agencies

#  Device  Manufacturers etc

Page   192
·         In   www.GlobalRecruiter.net  , it was planned that anyone wanting to start a “ Partner Web site “ could do it within hours ( or minutes ) by simply copy / pasting , a small piece of code ,from GlobalRecruiter , onto his web site

Page   193
·         In   www.B2BmessageBlaster.com  , we enable our subscribers to blast their “ Marketing Messages “ > City wise > Industry wise > ( City + Industry ) wise

·         Similarly in www.CustomizeResume.com , we enable jobseekers to search for jobs , > IT wise > NON-IT wise > Conventional > Archival

Page   194
·         A “ Resume “ has a long time – may be 20 / 30 years ; even as it undergoes many EDITS – at least once a year

·         A good part of resume remains same , year after year . A few things do change

Page   195
·         Resumes are text documents which can be easily updated

Page    200
·         If www.B2BmessageBlaster.com , was making enough money ( revenue ) from subscribers blasting their Marketing Messages to Corporate and Chambers , then I would have made “ Influence Policy Makers “ totally free

·         Tweeter has millions of users because it is FREE, even though :

#  Messages can be only 140 characters

#  Messages do not get “ delivered “ ( as email ) to anyone . Only those who visit that page get to see the message

Page   201
·         Another issue / reason , why “ Influence Policy Makers “ has not picked up , is because it is like a ONE WAY TRAFFIC !  Apply , Apply , no Reply !

 People ( who take the trouble to compose and blast their suggestions ) , will feel “ engaged “ ONLY if , at least , a few of those recipients , take the trouble to respond – like Minister Prakash Javadekar’s one word reply to my email , ( GOOD ) !

·         If Recruitment Agencies are our “ Targeted Early Adopters “ for ResumeSYNC, will they talk and persuade other agencies to join ? I have doubts

·         Like Skype , ResumeSYNC too , will be FREE

Page   202
·         A possible promo message :

Recruitment Agent / Headhunter :

The more your coprofessionals you persuade to join , the more all of you benefit , through sharing with one another , resumes that lie unused on your individual servers . Just look up the list of OUR  MEMBERS

Page   203
·         This morning , my visitor was Mr Amal Das , CEO of www.GoodPeopleConsulting.com . He volunteered to share my message (  ALLOW  ME  TO  SHARE  ) , with his contacts and NHRD Network members . I hope his help works ( 28 April 2016 )

Page   205
·         May be on W3F , we can request “ Members “ to welcome “ New Members “ – instead of same / one person greeting new joiners

Page   207
·         We had such feedback features in www.IndiaRecruiter.net , at

      #  RUN ( Rate Us Now )

      #  Celebrity Opinions

Page   212
·         In 1989 , I had submitted to L&T Management , a report titled :

Where, I had pointed out this ( Networking ) scenario, in my cover letter

·         In Mumbai , I had booked a landline phone in 1959 , which got connected after 7 YEARS ! – after an advance payment of Rs 3,000 !

Page   214
·         In this connection , today , I emailed my following blogs to Shri Prakash Javadekar – Minister for Environment :

      #   From  Waste to  Wealth

·         These blogs provide “ answers “ to this dilemma !

·         Incentives : Exactly what I have suggested in my blogs . Remarkable coincidence !

Page   224
·         Read , “ Marketing  Myopia “ by Ted Levitt , where he recommends that every company ask :

“ What business are we in ?  If you don’t make yourself obsolete , someone else will “


Wednesday, 28 June 2017

World War 3 ?

Somewhere I had read :

" I do not know how the third World War will get fought but I am sure , the fourth world war will be fought with stones "

Obvious reference was to the Nuclear Weapons which , if employed in World War 3 , would totally destroy the civilization as known to us and leave behind a heap of stones and rocks , on the surface of the Earth

However , over the past few months , and especially over the past 3 days , there have been Cyber Attacks on computer networks , all over the World , paralyzing transport , banks , industrial establishments and global businesses

It seems that the 3rd World War , after all may not get fought with Nuclear Weapons !

It could well get fought with INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , as envisaged in my following 1989 report to L&T Management :



in whose introduction , I wrote :


January 5, 1989

Mr. S.R.Subramaniam 


20th Century saw two world-wars between super-powers. The aim of both was territorial expansion. 21st Century will witness similar war of global dimensions -but with difference

It will be :

-  war of expansion of economic -territory involving nations, large and small,
-  fought by mega-corporations

-  employing world-wide network of space-age technologiesalliances/resources/markets. 
-  unrestrained by national boundaries

-  without an end


It will be business-war in which the unprepared will be wiped-out and even those who have made definite survival-plans will find going tough.

am happy to enclose report which goes beyond survival. 

For many thousand L&T-ites, it will offer hope for growth in the 21st Century. 

I suggest that the Corporate Management sets aside one full day during the forthcoming Strategic-Plan Meetings, to debate this report and take necessary decisions.

With kind regards,



CC : Mr. N.M.Desai


29  June  2017

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs