Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Something is better than Nothing !

Here is a confirmation :

Individual can set up charging station for commercial use: R K Singh  

Highlights :

The power ministry would soon bring an electric vehicle  (EV)  charging infrastructure policy, which will also allow individuals to set up charging station for commercial use to boost e-mobility, said Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh Sunday.

"We have circulated the EV Charging Policy for comments (among other department/ministries). The second line of the policy says that everybody is free to set up 
EV charging station," Singh told reporters at International Symposium to Promote Innovation & Research in Energy Efficiency (Inspire).

When asked whether individuals would be able to use the facility on commercial basis, he replied, "Absolutely. You dont need a licence".

Here is what I have been pleading with our Policy Makers :


Do not rule out Manoj Bhargava ( BillionsinChange ) coming out with his next generation ( V 2.0 ) electricity generating bicycle to be able to re-charge such small / quickly rechargeable batteries , right in your garage or housing society compound !

It is time for a thorough re-vamp of our Electricity Act

And as for that 90 page , “ National Electric Vehicle Policy “ document which NITI Aayog has prepared in consultation with Rocky Mountain Association and likely to release today or tomorrow , policy recommendations in respect of Vehicle Charging Infrastructure may already be rendered “ Out-dated “ by ELON and ION !

Just allowing “ Charging Stations “ to be able to “ Sell Electricity “ and permitting Private Sector to set up such “ Charging Stations “ , will miserably fall short of our goals for E-Mobility ( estimated  500 million vehicles in India to be electric by 2030  )

As it is , currently we have approx. 60,000 petrol / diesel pumps in India , which fill up a vehicle in ( ave ) , 10 minutes

But a Lithium-ion Battery of an Electric Car ( approx. 100 Kwh ) , needs 300 minutes for a full charge ( 30 times longer ! ). Will we need 30 times many more Charging Stations ?

And I hope , it recommends amending Electricity Act whereby ,

Anyone can generate and SELL electricity , anytime and to anyone and at any price ! 

Observations :

*  On the existing highway, no one will want to drive an Electric Car for 60 hours !

*  Setting up those battery charging stations will be a total waste of scarce funds

PM Shri Modi , speaking at the Global Mobility Summit :

Industry to invest in ,

     #   Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles

     #   Charging Infrastructure

     #   Battery manufacturing

Charged mobility is the way forward for the country
There is a need for generating power for electric mobility through renewable energy

The government proposes to amend building by-laws to make it mandatory to set up electric vehicle charging stations in residential and commercial buildings and parking lots.

The proposals include ,

·     offering round the-clock charging infrastructure facility to all electric vehicles in residential buildings,

·     setting up charging bays at 20% capacity of all vehicles,

·     on-spot metering and payment services in both commercial and residential buildings


Dear Shri Puriji,

Your idea is even better  !

Why have road-side EV battery charging stations , where EVs have to queue up for 3 hours (time those Electric Cars supplied to EESL by TATA and M&M need for a full charge ) ?

Hardly any city car travels more than 80 km per day.  One overnight charge in one’s own garage is more than sufficient !

So , why not make a beginning of your proposal , with those millions of buildings being built all over India, under PM Awas Yojana ?  Make it mandatory for these to have a Roof Top Solar based Battery Charging Installation

22  Nov  2018

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?

Dear Shri Suresh Prabhuji,

Speaking at CILT Expo 2018 , you said : 

“We are preparing an INTEGRATED LOGISTICS PLAN and also a portal to make logistics efficient and cost – effective in the country“

And on last Monday , PM Shri Modiji launched a GRAND CHALLENGE to further improve India’s position in the World Bank’s EASE  OF  DOING  BUSINESS ranking to the top 50 by using cutting edge technology [ Internet of Things – Artificial Intelligence – Big Data Analytics – Block Chain ] , to reform government processes

Please allow me to offer following suggestion which will meet both these objectives


Transport is getting to be a big problem world-wide
By 2018 , total number of cars / buses / trucks in the world was approx. 1.4 Billion
By 2036 , this is expected to go up to 2.8 Billion ( doubling in 20 years )
I have not bothered to dig up figures for bicycles - 2 / 3 Wheeler – Tractors etc
In short travelling / transporting is getting to be a huge headache
And emission pollution is killing millions
All over the world , experts and authorities are coming up with a number of suggestions to solve this problem
To me, these attempts seem disparate / loose / uncoordinated / tangential
I have yet to come across a holistic / all-encompassing / multi-dimensional solution

Following is my suggestion for an   INTEGRATED LOGISTICS PLAN  [  ILP  ]


·         Minimize all kinds of transport

o   Minimize: Private transport / People travel / Polluting transport
o   Maximize: Public transport / Non-polluting transport / Video-Conferencing
o   Discourage: Land-based transport / “Within City “transport / “Privately Owned transport
o Encourage: Air based transport / Water based transport / “Public owned “Transport / Shared
                       transport / Night – time transport
o   Raise:        “ Ease of Doing Business “ rank to under 50
o   Lower:      “ Cost of logistics “ from current 14 % of GDP to 6 % of GDP


o   Levying of TRANS-TAX on all vehicles from birth to death of a vehicle ( irrespective of change in ownership through gifting / selling )
o   TRANS-TAX will get collected automatically and for each hour of a vehicle’s life
o   In this collection process , there will be NO HUMAN INTERVENTION whatsoever
o   Amount of TRANS-TAX to be collected every hour , will depend on it’s TRANSCORE
o   A vehicle’s TRANSCORE will be based on its total HQ [ Harm Quotient ] for that hour
o   Higher the total HQ [ TRANSCORE ] , higher the TRANS-TAX ( directly proportional )
o   Logic : To lower their TRANS-TAX liability , people will opt for vehicles and driving conditions which generate a low TRANSCORE
o   TRANS-TAX will replace all other vehicle-related taxes ( eg : Registration tax / Road Tax etc ) , other than the GST payable by buyer at time of purchase of vehicle
o   TRANS-TAX will be uniform throughout India but credited to the State in which vehicle is, at each hour of its life
o   TRANS-TAX will be computed as per following HQ  MATRIX . For exact mechanism , look up para on TECHNOLOGY  PLATFORM below
o   This is a conceptual frame work and transport experts may debate and come up with a different set of “ Factors “ / “ Weightages “ / “ Rating Scales “
o   Without doubt , all of these will differ from country to country and from time to time , within the same country


  HQ [ Harm Quotient] Matrix

Rating Scale

Worst  (5)
Bad  (4)
Fair  (3)
Good  (2)
Best (1)

Factor / 
Energy Source /
Li-ion Battery
Solar Roof  Car
Short hire / Ride-share
Carry people
Carry  Goods
Industrial Use
Age of Vehicle
  10 +  years
8  – 10  years
6 - 8  years
4 - 6  years
<  4  years
Type of Vehicle
Quadricycle / Rickshaw
Train / Metro/ Boat
1 person
2 persons
3 - 4 persons
5 - 50 persons
  50 +
Space Used
City Roads
City Metro
Train tracks
Inland waterways
Time when used
8am -10am
5pm -7pm
10am -12noon
7pm - 9pm
12noon - 5pm
9pm -12midnight
12midnight -8am
Where used
Within City
Outside City
State of Use
In Motion
If Parked-where
On Public Road
In public parking lot
In Private Garage



Factor :  Energy Source  

Diesel / Petrol / Hybrid / Li-ion Battery Powered / Powered by Solar Roof Top
Factor Rating                           :   5 (Worst) / 4 / 3 (Fair) / 2 (Good) /   1 (Best)
Factor Weightage                     :  15
Select                                       :    Diesel 
HQ (Harm Quotient )               = Rating x Weightage  = 5 x 15  =  75

Factor :  Ownership

Private  / Leased / Short hire - Ride Share  /  Municipality  / Government
Factor  Rating                          :    5 ( worst ) /  4  /  3 ( Fair )  /  2  (  Good  ) /  1 ( Best )
Factor Weightage                     :    10
Select                                       :    Private
HQ                                           =  Rating x  Weightage  =  5 x  10  =  50

Factor  :   Purpose

Carry People  /   Carry  Goods   /   Industrial Use
Factor  Rating                          :      People (Worst - 5 ) / Goods ( Fair ) / Ind  Use ( Best  - 1 )   
Factor  Weightage                    :      5
Select                                       :      People
HQ                                           :     Rating  x  weightage  =  5  x  5   =   25

Factor : Age of Vehicle

10 + years  / 8 – 10  years  /  6 - 8  years  /  4 - 6  years  /   < 4  years
Factor  Rating                          :    5  (  Worst   )  /  4  /  3  / 2   /  1  (  Best  )
Factor  Weightage                    :    5
Select                                       :   10 +   years
HQ                                           :   Rating x  Weightage  =  5  x  5  =  25

Factor    :   Type of Vehicle

Car  /  Scooter  /  Rickshaw  /  Bus   /  Train – Metro - Boat
Factor  Rating                          :  5 ( Worst  ) /  4   /  3  (  Fair )  /  2  (  Good ) /1 ( Best )
Factor  Weightage                    :    5
Select                                       :    Car
HQ                                           :   Rating x  weightage  =  5 x  5   =  25

Factor   :   Capacity

1 person  ( Worst )  /  2 persons   /  3-4 persons   /  5-50 persons  /   50  + persons (Best )     
Factor  Rating                          :    5 ( Worst   )   /  4  /  3 ( Fair ) /  2  /  1 ( Best )
Factor Weightage                     :    
Select                                       :     3 – 4 persons 
HQ                                           :     Rating  x  Weightage   =  3  x   5   =   15

Factor     :   Space Used

City Roads  /  City Metro  / Highways  /  Train tracks  /  Inland waterways
Factor Rating                           :    5  ( Worst ) /  4 / 3  / 2  /  1  (  Best  )
Factor Weightage                     :    5
Select                                       :    City Roads
HQ                                           :   Rating  x  Weightage  =  5  x  5   = 25

Factor      :   Time  of  use

 Worst  (  5  )                            >      8 am – 10 am  and  5 pm – 7 pm 
Bad    ( 4  )                              >     10 am – 12 noon and  7 pm – 9 pm
Fair     (  3 )                              >     12 noon  -  5 pm
Good  (  2  )                              >     9 pm – 12  midnight
Best   (  1  )                               >    12 midnight  - 8 am
Factor Weightage                     : 5
Select                                       : 8am – 10 am
HQ                                           : Rating x Weightage = 5x5 =25




Factor     :   Where Used

Within city limits ( Worst  )  /   Outside City limits ( Best )
Factor   Rating                        :        5  (  worst )    /   1  (  Best  )
Factor  Weightage                   :       20
Select                                      :       Within city limits
HQ                                          :       Rating x  Weightage   =  5  x  20   =  100

Factor    :   State of use
In Motion    (  Worst  )  /    Stationary - Parked  ( Best ) 
Factor  Rating                          :      5  (  Worst  )    /   1  (  Best  )
Factor  Weightage                   :     20
Select                                       :      Moving
HQ                                           :       Rating  x  Weightage  =  5  x  20   =  100

Factor      :   If  parked

On Public Road  /  In Public parking plot  /  In Private garage 
Factor Rating                           :     5  (  Worst)   /   3  (  Fair  )    /   1   (  Best  )
Factor  weightage                    :    10
Select                                       :    None ( since car is in motion )
HQ                                           :   Not  Applicable


So , what kind of vehicle are we tracking ?

Diesel    /   Privately owned   /   Carrying People   /  >  10  years  old  /   Car  /   3 – 4 persons   /  On City Roads  /  8 am – 10 am  /  Within city  /  Moving 

What is the total HQ  [  Harm Quotient  ]  of this vehicle  ? 

75  +  50  +  25 +  25  +   25   +   15   +  25  +  25  +  100   +   100   =  465

This is usage having almost the “HIGHEST TRANSCORE” (Transcore = Σ of HQs) 


Now following usage is one yielding a “ Very Low TRANSCORE “ :

Li-ion Battery driven Electric  /  Government Owned  / Industrial Use  /  < 4 years old  / Boat  /  carrying 50 + persons  /  Inland Waterways /  operating between 12 midnight  to 8 am  /  Outside City limits / Moving

TRANSCORE =  30 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5  + 5 + 5 + 20 + 100  =  190

And here is one likely usage , yielding a “ Moderate  TRANSCORE “ :

Petrol  /  short hire  /  for  people  /  6 – 8 years old vehicle  / Rickshaw  /  capacity 3 – 4 persons  /  On City roads   /  operating between 12 noon and 5 pm  /  within city limits  /  moving

TRANSCORE  =  60 + 30 + 25 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 100 + 100 =  400


This will consist of the following :

Ø  NaviC : the Navigator

Satellite based “ Vehicle Tracking / Monitoring “ system, covering entire India.  This will track all 220 + Million vehicles , on 24x7 , taking one reading every 10 minute to compute the HQ of each vehicle. Final HQ for a given hour will be the average of the 6 readings / hour

Based on ( variable ? ) TRANS-TAX  formula , NaviC will , every hour , deduct appropriate amount from  FASTag  RFID embedded in each vehicle and transfer to designated account of concerned State Government

For details of how this will work , read :

Ø  All vehicles


All Vehicle manufacturers will be mandated to embedded the vehicles with FASTag RFID sensors and other sensors , listed at :

Ø Internet  of  Vehicles  [ 04 March 2017  ]

From these sensors , NaviC will be able to pick up DATA re : Energy Source – Type of vehicle – Capacity – Manufacturing date – Purpose – Emission levels  etc , from all vehicles – ships – planes – drones etc

Trucks transporting GOODS , ( and embedded with RFID FASTags into all carried packages ) will enable NaviC to integrate with e-way bill system , as described in :

Ø   A New Way to E-Way ?  [  15  July  2017  ]

From following news ( 19 Nov 2018 ) , it seems this suggestion is already under implementation :

Obviously each vehicle being driven ( in motion ) is driven by a driver with a DRIVING LICENSE

Just like E – PASSPORTS , driving licenses too can be embedded with RFID     sensors ( carrying full data of the driver ) . This data will be picked up by NaviC. 

It is safe to assume that most – if not all – of the passengers in a vehicle , are carrying smart phones with GPS feature . NaviC will be able to pick up this data and    figure out various kinds of statistics ( Ave no of passengers / Total no of passengers). 

CCTV cameras mounted on poles along city roads will be capturing the data ( images ) of the  HIGH SECURITY  vehicle number plates . I believe those CCTVs could be embedded with RFID sensors , which can relay such data to NaviC

·         Pre-loaded “ Payment Wallets “ [ FASTag ] , linked with owners’ Bank Accounts for automatic deductions every hour

·         Must have a dashboard which displays HQ MATRIX tabulation , with current STATUS of that vehicle highlighted , for ready reference by the driver / owner

·         Since it may not be possible to have HQ MATRIX tabulation displayed on the dashboard of a Scooter , there will be a Mobile App for the same

Ø  24x7 monitoring through

·         Central Control Room ( Central Transport Ministry )
·         State Control Rooms (State RTOs)

RTOs will be able to see on their monitors , HQ MATRIX of any vehicle ( registered in the State ) by simply clicking on the VEHICLE NUMBER appearing on the screen

To some extent , RTOs will function in much the same way as the Air Traffic Control Rooms at various airports , monitoring the movement of every vehicle ( including chain-snatchers riding a bike or running away after shooting )


Based on the continuous feedback ( of position of each vehicle ) by NaviC satellite, algorithm will do the following :

·         Calculate the “ TRAN-SCORE “ for each and every vehicle , every hour and publish it on a web site

·        Based on this “ TRAN-SCORE “ compute “ TRANS-TAX “ payable by each vehicle for each hour and automatically deduct it from “ Onboard Payment Wallet “ [ FASTag ]

·       If there is NIL balance in the Payment Wallet , immobilize the concerned vehicle , till payment gets made

·         Provide data to Insurance Companies for “ Dynamic “ insurance premiums payable


Since TRANS – TAX is a replacement for the Road-Taxes ( except that it is payable and automatically deduced every hour ) , establishing a linkage would require , tabulating the road – taxes ( and other vehicle-ownership related taxes , if any ) for each type of vehicle in each State

I have not done this compilation but here is a suggestion :

Have 5 slabs of TRANSCORE as follows :

0-100  /  101–200  /  201-300  /  301-400  /  401–500

The lowest slab ( 0 – 100 ) will attract approximately the same amount of total ANNUAL ROAD-TAX that a given type of vehicle is currently pays . Call this BASE SLAB

Of course , other than a vehicle which is locked up in a garage for the entire year , no other vehicle which is being used regularly , can be in the BASE SLAB , throughout the year !

In fact , in the most likely scenario , a vehicle might have its TRANSCORE fluctuate all the way from ( say ) 50 to as high as 450 , during different times of the day  !

Linkage for the higher slabs can be :

·         101 –  200    >   150  % of the BASE SLAB tax
·         201 –  300    >   200  %
·         301  -  400   >    250  %
·         401  -  500   >    300  %

Idea behind such an upward SLIDING SCALE is to discourage usages which attract high HQ


Following is a partial list :
o   Vehicle Arrival / Departure display Boards at Bus Stops – Train Stations – Airports – Sea Ports

Read : PUBLIC TRANSPORT AS A SOLUTION ?  [  15  Feb  2016  ]

o   Alerting Disaster Relief Teams – Hospitals – Ambulances – Relatives, during accidents

o   Powering Mobile Apps like Google Map for traffic density – time – alternate routes

Read  :   Making Yourself Obsolete ?                [  14  Feb  2016  ]

o   “Vehicles Population Database “ by Type – Age – Energy Source – Ownership etc

o   Generation of dynamic TRAFFIC MAPS in real time

o   Help plan new traffic systems ( Hyperloop / Pod Taxi / MagLev / Cable Ways etc )

o   And who knows someday NaviC may even be able to TRACK , each Rs 2000 currency
note with RFID sensor embedded into it?

Read :   Will China save the World ?                   [  21  Oct   2018  ]


Publish White Paper
01  Jan  2019
NITI  Aayog
Publish Online Survey
01  Feb   2019
NITI  Aayog
Publish Survey Results
01  March  2019
NITI  Aayog
Seminars ( Traffic Insti / Vehicle Mfrs )
01  April  2019
Shri Prabhu-Shri Gadkari

Present findings to State Trans Ministers
01  May 2019 
Shri Prabhu-Shri Gadkari   
Place order on ISRO ( System Design ) 
01   June  2019  
Transport Ministry

Receive System Design- Drawings  from ISRO 
01  July  2019 
Transport Ministry
Float tender for Software Design- Apps / HW
01  Aug 2019
Transport  Ministry
Place orders on Suppliers    
01  Sept  2019 
Transport Ministry

Mandate to Vehicle Mfrrs  for pre-installing of required RFID sensors / other sensors

01  Sept  2019 
Transport Ministry

All new vehicles to be duly pre- installed 
01 Jan  2020 
Vehicle Manufacturers

Pilot Testing ( without actually debiting RFID Fastag in vehicles )
Jan 20 – Mar 20

System Modifications ( SW + HW ) based on data from soft launch
April 20- June 20

Final launch  
Aug 20



I have no doubt it will be CHINA

[  source : Beijing pioneering citizens' 'points' system critics brand 'Orwellian'   ]

Extract :

It has already began implementing a very similar system called “ Social Credit “ to reward or punish individuals ( 1400 Million citizens ) , to  improve city’s BUSINESS  ENVIRONMENT

Will  China  rule  the  Sky   ?

Added on 29 Nov :

If your Tesla knows where you are, China may too   

Added  on  04 Dec :


In India , we too can improve our own “  Ease of Doing Business “ rank from current 77 to ( possibly ) 27 , by implementing my suggestion

And without sounding Orwellian !

This blog is being emailed to the following :

   [   Shri Suresh Prabhuji  ]

   [  Shri Nitin Gadkariji   ]

[  Institute of Urban Transport – India  ]
[  Director – IRTS ]
[  Institute of Road Traffic Education  ]
[   Institute of Transportation & Development Policy  ]

[  Asian  Institute of  Transport  Development  ]
[  Central  Institute  of  Road   Transport   ]
[   Chartered Institute of  Logistic  Transport  ]
[  Institute of Road and Transport Technology  ]
[  Indian Institute of Logistics  ]
[  Institute of Transport Economics  ]
[  National   Institute  of  Design  -  Ahmedabad  ]
[  IIT   -  Bombay   ]

Relevant  Readings  :

Transport Solutions ? Must try everything    [   25  Oct  2018   ] 

And here is confirmation of the logic behind my proposal  :


26  Nov  2018

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs



On Dec 5, 2018 8:58 PM, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Prof Davidoff ,

I just read about your concept at :

About 2 weeks back , I developed a very similar concept for a TRANS-TAX ( transport tax ) based on “ Harm Potential “ of all vehicles

I would be happy to receive your comments on :

Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?

with regards,

hemen Parekh


Davidoff, Thomas <thomas.davidoff@sauder.ubc.ca>


Thank you for this note. What you propose sounds like an integrated Pigouvian approach to transport pricing, which I agree would be great.




On Mar 22, 2019, at 11:47 PM, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Gourab,

Just came across following article about your research :

Your research assumes significance , considering that Vehicular traffic– especially urban – degrades environment and quality of life , all around the world

There are several dimensions of this “ Urban System “ that need to be tackled as a whole 

In this context, do you think the conceptual framework outlined in my following blog looks feasible ?

Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?  

Related blogs :

Trans-portability Theory    

National Clean Air Tax ? – a Pigovian tax ?    


Dear Mr. Parekh,

thanks for your note, and your interest in our group’s research. 

As your proposal falls into the broader philosophy of disincentivizing private transport, or more accurately incentivizing the use of public transport, the ideas outlined in your blog are certainly worth exploring. 

Of course, this might serve as one of “a basket of options” available to us to tackle this rather complex issue. 

As you correctly surmise, much of it depends on the political climate of each region, and the willingness of the citizenry to undergo some level of immediate hardship in service of longer-term goals. 

A multifaceted and flexible approach is therefore the need of the hour. 

With regards,


Gourab Ghoshal

Assistant Professor
Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics

University of Rochester

464 Bausch and Lomb Hall | Box 270171
Rochester, NY 14627
p: (585) 276-7748 | f: (585) 273-2813


Added  on  30  April  2022  :

In all, we have screened nearly 800 peer-reviewed reports and case studies from

 throughout Europe, published since 2010, seeking those that quantified where and

 how cities had successfully reduced car use. The most effective measures, according

 to our review, are introducing a congestion charge, which reduces urban car levels

 by anywhere from 12% to 33%, and creating car-free streets and separated bike

 lanes, which has been found to lower car use in city centres by up to 20%. Our full

 ranking of the top 12 car-reducing measures is summarised in this table:


Added  on  22  Nov  2022  :


Added on 16  July  2023  ( Times of India )  :

     Added on  29  July  2023  :

Extract :

A Consultant has been engaged for Barrier less tolling with the help of the use Automatic Number Plate Recognition Camera and Satellite Navigation Tolling. A team of experts including International Subject Matter experts are currently engaged in the study of global good practices and readyness assessment as well as preparation of Standards and specifications and requisite legal changes

Added on 23 Nov 2023 :

Sat tech to monitor, do surveillance of 99.9k fishing boats
