For decades now , we have seen this salutation painted
behind many trucks plying on Indian roads
Before long , expect those roadside painters to start painting
, on backs of Electric Vehicles :
Following news
report will explain :
Summary of how TATA Group plans to meet every need of EV ( Electric Vehicle )
buyers :
* Tata
Motors > will offer the vehicle ( electric , of
course )
* Tata Power
> will set up battery
charging stations
* Tata
Realty > will help build physical infrastructure ,
depots, or dedicated
electric vehicle stations
* Tata
Finance > will offer financing or leasing solutions
* TCS >
will help develop an app or software platform [ Internet
[ Both at the customer end and at the Company
end / Offer
support ]
Tata Motors MD , Guenter Butschek told ET :
“ The concept of ONE TATA emerged
when the company tried to send its ELECTRIC BUS idea for State Transport
undertakings .
The State Utilities asked for a COMPLETE SOLUTION and
were willing to pay for use of services
When we looked around , we said, this group can be of
great value and can jointly leverage a new opportunity in the market and this
is a multi-billion market in the mid to long term if we just join forces .
And , we started to build according to the tender
requirements as a consortium
The same can be applied in PVs ( Passenger Vehicles ) as well
( We ) can offer ‘ complete
peace of mind ‘ solution, including :
# Apps for
employees to track their pick up or drop time , travel time
That too in a protective environment which is
predictable , doing away with issues on
RANGE or CHARGE challenges “
Although , in the past few months , I have sent several
emails to EESL ,
trying to persuade it to modify its existing order on TATA / M&M ( 10,000
Electric Cars ) to a LEASING CONTRACT , I think ONE TATA would convince him of the feasibility / practicality /
frugality of my suggestion
Ready Reference :
: a wake up time ? [ 27 June 2018 ]
30 June 2018
/ blogs